State Rep. Daniel, Lafferty and Zachary Weigh In on Knox County Reopening

TN State Representatives Martin Daniel, Justin Lafferty and Jason Zachary have sent a letter to Dr. Martha Buchanan echoing what her boss Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs has been saying about reopening Knox County.

FCF6692D-89EA-45AA-BFB1-13E01AF0C4D0At the point that all the counties and municipalities except Knox and the five others reopen by Governor Bill Lee’s order, Knox will be at a disadvantage. Good news for me, I will close enough to Loudon County and Lenoir City that I will be aight. I know Lenoir City Mayor Tony Aikens, Vice Mayor Jennifer Wampler and Councilman James Brandon welcome my business.

Mayor Aikens speaking to those that attended to support him

Mayor Aikens speaking to those that attended to support him

Myself, Lenoir City Vice Mayor Jennifer Wampler and Loudon County Trustee Chip Miller

Myself, Lenoir City Vice Mayor Jennifer Wampler and Loudon County Trustee Chip Miller

myself and Lenoir City Councilman James Brandon

myself and Lenoir City Councilman James Brandon

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